Onama boden gay pride flags

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“Malia and I leaned into each other, happy to have found our way there.” Following the decision, the White House was lit up in rainbow colors symbolizing the LGBT pride flag. We were outside, standing on a patch of lawn off to one side, out of sight of the public but with a beautiful, close-up view of the White House, lit up in pride,” she said. The former first lady added that it took Malia, then 16, and her just 10 minutes to exit the White House. And there it was, the hum of the public, people whooping and celebrating outside the iron gates,” Obama continued. I could see fireflies blinking on the lawn. “Malia and I just busted past the agents on duty, neither one of us making eye contact … The humid summer air hit our faces. “We made our way down a marble staircase and over red carpets, around the busts of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin and past the kitchen until suddenly we were outdoors,” Obama recalls in her new book, “Becoming.” Former first lady Michelle Obama said she and her daughter snuck out of the White House to celebrate the Supreme Court’s 2015 ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in the U.S.

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